June 4, 2012

Rainy Days and Mondays

I've been down with an icky head cold, and on this oh-so-rainy Monday, I thought I'd share the view from our room ... if you don't feel comforted by your bedroom, then it's time for a makeover!

Here are a few snaps from one of my favorite places in our nest ...

How I love a stack of pillows - not to mention these colors against our handcrafted iron bed.

Room with a view: overlooking neighboring brownstones, and on a clear day, a lovely view of Lower Manhattan.

Atop my vintage dresser which I have filled with accessories.

A picture I photographed while on the Oregon coast, and a 1950's bar tray.

Vintage ash tray and matchbooks ... bet you can tell whose nightstand this is!

My newest addition: vintage Japanese teacup and saucer.

Good reads.

I cannot resist the tapestry on this vintage hat box.

Talk about the best cold remedy!

Here's to a healthy, happy week!
xx JN

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