June 15, 2012

Heart Thoughts for the Weekend


My lovelies, are you as excited as I am about the weekend?! Tomorrow is devoted to some exciting new features coming soon to Delightfully Dishy. Sunday is doubly special as it's Father's Day for the best dad ever, as well as our girl's First Communion. All of that with some sunshine in our merry Slope ... count me in!

I've been reading Louise Hay's Heart Thoughts (thanks to my incredible Aunt Jeannine), and I want to leave you with this affirmation to ponder over the next couple of days:
"Work on doing what is right for you and getting in touch with your own inner voice. Your inner wisdom knows the right answers for you."
Try and take at least 5-minutes this weekend to center yourself and remember how special, invaluable and amazing you are. The best lifestyle is that which is rooted in and around your personal truth, true self and your inner beauty. The rest is just gravy!

Here's to a wonderful weekend!

xx JN

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