June 13, 2012

Father's Day Fun!

Celebrating Dad on Father's Day may sometimes be tricky when it comes to gift-giving. If Dad doesn't golf, doesn't grill or doesn't have a "traditional" hobby, you may be coming up short with what to give him this year!

Here are some fabulous DIY ideas with the kids in mind that will make Dad feel as special as he truly is!

Art from the Heart

Who doesn't love art? And when it comes from your very own kids, is there even a question? Whether you choose to do this scrappy self-portrait or watercolor silhouette, Dad gets an original masterpiece! As much as I love photography, I also couldn't help but love the "D-A-D" photo triptych. What a wonderful way to capture your child or children at any age.

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Details for Dad's Desk

Whether Dad works at an office, or has one at home, you cannot go wrong with any of these personalized touches to add to his space: the note cube, coasters or pot are great for kids to design at any age.
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Presentation is Everything

No matter the gift, you can equally personalize the presentation! Try your hand at these adorable paper airplane cards or have the kids make their very own wrapping paper

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I'm quite confident Dad's going to be the first one to fly his paper airplane card across the room ... after all, aren't Dads the biggest kids of all?

xx JN

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