March 18, 2013

Scent Memory

Nana's signature fragrance: Aviance

My Nana had a signature fragrance. When she passed away in December, there was a moment where my two cousins and I huddled in her bedroom smelling her perfume bottle. The scent was so specific that I will be able to identify it as Nana's fragrance for the rest of my life.

Lyla has the same feeling about my Mom, who has worn Estee Lauder's Knowing since I was in high school. If Lyla smells it she'll immediately say, "That smells just like Grandma!"

As for me, I have changed fragrances over the years, to the point where I can recount my teens forward based on fragrance chapters. In high school it was Estee Lauder's Beautiful, then Givenchy's Ysastis. Throughout college, I embraced Estee Lauder's Pleasures. On my wedding day, I started wearing philosophy's amazing grace, and did so for years.

But then my thirties came, and I was introduced to Jo Malone. I quickly became obsessed with her (now retired) fragrance, Vintage Gardenia. However, my early thirties were fraught with significant challenges and subsequent triumphs, to the point where over the course of the last year I have been searching for a new fragrance. I decided it was time to punctuate the second-half of my thirties (well, more like last quarter) with something new. Should it be another Jo Malone fragrance? Chanel? Bond No. 9? Tom Ford? Dior? I've sampled them all - but none of them felt quite right.

Stylist Amy & I were shopping together the other night, and both stopped dead in our tracks at an in-store display of Atelier Cologne. I almost fell to my knees after one mere spray of their Rose Anonyme and Vétiver Fatal. After my experience with Jo Malone, I became a firm believer in the idea of layering fragrances - so much so that I couldn't decide between the two, so home they both came!

What will Rose Anonyme say about the end of my thirties? Atelier says,
"Rose Anonyme, a breathtaking seductress caught in a stolen affair between light and dark, Turkish Rose Absolute sparkles and intrigues beneath notes of spicy Ginger, enwrapped in sultry veil of Velvet Oud, Indonesian Patchouli, mystic Papyrus and Somalian Incense."
Umm ... yes, please!

Make sure to share your favorite #scentmemory with me on Twitter & Instagram!

xx JN

P.S. Mr. Newman has already stolen and claimed the Vétiver Fatal.

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