March 13, 2013


I must have been all of 18-years old, a sophomore at Arizona State, and was told by one of my girlfriends that Neiman Marcus was the destination for beauty products. I remember that first experience so vividly: the legendary customer service, the products, the samples!

Because I really am that "try before you buy" gal when it comes to anything beauty, I appreciate a good sample. Yes, samples have converted me on multiple occasions to purchase its full-size product. So this week, I decided to take the plunge and become a Birchbox member.

For a flat $10 a month, a box of 4-6, hand-picked, generous sized samples from high-end beauty, grooming and lifestyle brands will come right to my door. Once I have tried the product and wish to purchase, Birchbox makes it as simple as pie for me to order online! Not only that, but there are several ways to earn Birchbox points, redeemable for all sorts of other goodies. Yes, please!

It all starts by requesting your very own invitation. Simply visit Birchbox now, and think about how much fun it will be to compare notes on what we receive!

And don't worry gents, there's a Birchbox just for you as well.

xx JN

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