November 21, 2012

Candid Camera

I know you are going to be extremely shocked to hear that I typically have a lot to say at any given moment.  Well, imagine my surprise when I found out that a certain Mr. decided to photograph me mid-convo while chatting to stylist Amy. These photographs speak for themselves:

And then there's this one - nothing said, but it's worth a thousand words!

Dress: Teri Jon (old) / Cape: vintage / Hat: Trina Turk / Belt: vintage 60's / Shoes: Lela Rose (old)
Styled by: Amy Keller
Photographed by: James Newman
Cameo appearance: my best girl

November 20, 2012

Print Aid NYC

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I discovered Print Aid NYC yesterday afternoon, and am so grateful to have happened upon this artists' collective for a dear cause: Hurricane Sandy recovery.

Artists were asked to respond to the theme: light, and each piece is sold in limited editions of 50, with 100% of the proceeds given to the Mayor's Fund for Hurricane Relief here in New York.

Creative genius for the greater good ... truly the definition of art in my opinion.

Stay informed: make sure to view all of the available prints, and follow Print Aid NYC on Twitter and Facebook.

xx JN

November 19, 2012

1,000 Thoughts

I've decided that a journey of a thousand thoughts begins with a single tweet:

Won't you join me and my #1KThoughts on Twitter?

xx JN

P.S. I'm "Now Serving" the live feed over to your right!

Mom's Little Vase

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While growing up in the South, gift-giving was an anytime occurrence. There need not be a specific occasion, holiday, or poignant moment. In fact, these opportunities were referred to as giving a "happy" to someone - merely for the sake of spreading joy! Granted, the season of gift-giving is upon us, but isn't it a great feeling to receive something on any ol' day of the year?

Well, I just received a "happy" of the most lovely bud vase, known as Mom's Little Vase. I must tell you it has quickly became one of my favorite things! It should come as no surprise that it came from one of my favorite gift-giving spots, Uncommon Goods. To begin with, this piece has immense character based on its petite size, and takes up minimal space in my Brooklyn apartment. The fact I can proudly display one of the many hand-picked treasures Lyla gives me delights me to no end ... not to mention the idea I can cut the perfect bloom for it! For anyone who comes to our home, there is nothing uncommon about my love of flowers. Let's just say this vase is reason enough to want to keep them displayed at all times!

It is said that good things come in small packages, and this little gem does not disappoint. Handmade by artist Jill Henrietta Davis, each vase varies slightly from the other. I am not exaggerating when I say that this is that piece you stock up on and give to everyone. (Can we say stocking stuffers, my lovelies?!)

So, who are you going to give a "happy" to?

xx JN

November 15, 2012

I Am Changing

One of the (many) benefits of living in my neighborhood is the breathtaking foliage. Park Slope is truly stunning that way. I can't help but wonder as I walk Woodrow everyday, if I didn't have a reason to stop and take it in, I would miss the nuances to the seasons and their changes. Because it is no exaggeration that a tree can be full of beautiful fall leaves one afternoon and barren the next.

Isn't that also true of life and its many changes? If we don't really pay attention, we miss the pivots, the nuances, the subtleties.

And when I speak of change - which ultimately leads to personal growth - I can't help but think of (and sing) this tune.


Dress: LOFT / Jacket: personal vintage collection / Scarf: Trina Turk / Boots: Guess / Bracelets: Silpada & Tiffany & Co. / Ring: Silpada / Nails: Apertif by Essie
Styled by: Amy Keller
Photographed by: James Newman

November 13, 2012

When the Sun Comes Out

A Hurricane. An Election. A Snowstorm. And some real life in between.

Welcome to the last 2-weeks.

As much as it is necessary to "get back to normal," I find myself feeling very guilty in trying to do so. Just this morning, it took the image on the front page of the NY Times as I stood online for my morning fill-up: there lies Breezy Point amid massive destruction. Or the story of my friend still without heat & hot water. How about the knowledge that the holidays are fast approaching those who have lost everything? Maybe it's the idea that some people I love are so distraught over the outcome of the election - how can that be? We saw women, equality and our President take the majority! I'm rejoicing, yet others I know are convinced the world is coming to an end.

Is this "normal" now?

I can't help but think about Thanksgiving next week, and all that entails. The feast, the family, the gratitude. I must admit I can't get too fixated on the "details" this go around: if the napkins aren't folded perfectly, and the table setting isn't something that's Instagram-worthy, that's okay. Because the people who sit around the table are the most important part. Being with each other. With a roof over our heads. Hot water coming out of the tap. There is nothing like a national disaster alongside a great political outcome to break it down to what really matters, right? I'm in no way advocating to abandon the holidays, or to not rejoice in what we have - quite the contrary! What I am saying is how relevant and necessary it is to acknowledge our brothers & sisters as we do so. It's about holding both things in our hands at the same time: gratitude and empathy, thankfulness and humility. We owe that to those who are suffering - no matter who or where they are.

I have returned here with so much to share, and will continue to hold outfits, recipes, and the "perfect" stocking stuffers in the same hand as this overwhelming feeling that it is a blessing and gift to even have the opportunity to write about them. To experience them. To even have the clothing that Amy can style and Jim can photograph. Moving forward, it is of equal importance for me to share more of my own life's day-to-day that goes far beyond the things I can take photographs of.

After all, I founded this blog to talk about life + style ... and the only reason I can fully enjoy where I am today is because of a whole bunch of real life in between. It's been colorful to say the least, and I hope you'll join me as we talk about mine and yours a whole lot more!

xx JN