October 21, 2012

Weekly Speaking: October 21st

{images by James Newman}
This last week I ...
  • realized that being a gluten-free & refined sugar-free gal as the seasons change and holidays approach is harder than anticipated! I'm about to hit the 9-month mark, and have far less migraines to prove it. However, not being able to partake in homemade pumpkin bread and chicken pot pie is definitely a bore to my taste buds.
  • couldn't resist making this recipe again. But now I've simplified it to just the chicken, stock, and green salsa ... and it is so beyond amazing.
  • had an incredible appointment at Devachan - and my curls are grateful! Have you embraced your inner Curly Girl?
  • participated in a live chat with Nate Berkus about his new book, The Things That Matter. I cannot wait to share more about it with you.
  • saw the leaves really begin to turn ... and that magic never ceases to amaze me!
  • watched one friend move away to start a new chapter in her life, and another one suffer the loss of a grandparent. Someone else lost a parent, another announced her pregnancy. One is dealing with divorce, another one celebrated an anniversary ... just like the seasons, our lives change. How do you deal with change?
I'm sending you so much love & light as we start another week!

xx JN

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