September 18, 2012

Moment of Reflection

Ever since we returned from vacation, I have found myself thinking a lot about the importance of quiet time, reflection, and introspection. Now that summer has been ushered out, and fall welcomed in, everything is back to the hustle and bustle. So in every possible way I can, I am trying to channel the softness and restfulness vacation brought me. And sometimes, it comes merely in the form of clothing for the day. Whatever I can do to keep myself reminded that deep breaths are vital, quiet moments are a necessity, and being still is of great importance - not to mention, all of those things give me the fuel to go, go, go! If it's going to be a crazy day, then why not be dressed in something that feels decadent and rich? That is what I felt with this:

Blouse: stylist's own / Skirt: Joe Fresh / Boots: Guess (last year - similar here) / Necklace: vintage (personal collection)
Stylist: Amy Keller
Photographer: James Newman

September 10, 2012

Fashion Week Street Style

It is next to impossible to walk away from the streets of New York without some style inspiration on any given day of the week. And with New York Fashion Week currently settled in at Lincoln Center, the plaza has become a literal street style heyday:

Even the Grand Dame of the Fashion Police was armed and ready for her commentary today:
{above images: James Newman}

And it just so happens that a certain Gal and her Stylist seemed to catch the eye of yesterday morning before attending the Lela Rose S2013 show:
{image: Raydene Salinas/AOL}
xx JN

September 7, 2012

Farewell to Summer

Although the weather hasn't quite caught up with us yet, with New York Fashion Week alive and well here in the City, and Labor Day now behind us, we're trading in our summer brights for oxblood lips.

But as this week draws to a close, I must share my last summer look of the year in probably my most favorite vintage find to date. There was no dress more perfect for our time in South Carolina - our trip that celebrated the end of summer - and it will happily hang on my garment rack until I can proudly wear it again next year.

Cheers to summer ... and here's to an incredible fall!

Ensemble: personal collection
Stylist: Amy Keller

September 6, 2012

First Day of School

It is the first day of school here in New York today - our girl starts third grade at her amazing Brooklyn public school! As I was walking to an appointment yesterday, one of the private schools had posted a huge banner that proclaimed, "Happy New Year!" and it caused me to wonder why we only make (or at the very least, declare) our New Year's resolutions on January 1st?

We certainly are talking about New School Year's resolutions in our home - or shall I say - Jimmo is making sure to be up and at 'em earlier so that he & L aren't running down the block to school each morning. That resolution has meant that Mommy leaves the house earlier so there's one less Newman getting ready in one tiny Brooklyn bathroom!

I was reading through Louise Hay's Heart Thoughts, and came across a mantra I believe is worth sharing:
"This year I do the mental work for change" 
followed by
"Make this your new motto: "I go for the joy! Life is here for me to enjoy today!"
Louise talks about how in the absence of internal changes, resolutions fall away very quickly. She also says, "Until you make the inner changes and are willing to do some mental work, nothing out there is going to change. The only thing you need to change is a thought - only a thought. Even self-hatred is only hating a thought you have about yourself."

So as L starts third grade, I'm embracing this start of the 2012-13 year as a time to continue making my own mental and inner changes. Since my brother passed away in February, I have been diligent in trying to look at my life from a different vantage point, and by doing so, I have already found that my reactions and behaviors have begun to shift. Those "same ol' same ol'" patterns of the past no longer work for me. After all, my life and reality changed. But as I grow in my own year of learning, on my own path of personal growth, the growing pains of change are present. However, it is by going for the joy that continues to help me shape my decisions, my thoughts, my feelings, my outlook.

How you are going for the joy in your life? Is there something you are looking to change in your world?

September 5, 2012

Sentimental Summer

We spent the last week at the (incredible) Wild Dunes Resort on the Isle of Palms in South Carolina - and let me just say there is nothing better than a week full of resort living complete with sun, beach, ocean waves & pools! With the rain here in New York today, I am having extremely fond memories of this moment taken just a few days ago, when there wasn't even a cloud in the bright blue sky:

Dress: J.Crew - last year (great alternative here) / Oxford: Ralph Lauren (or, create your own here) / Hat: Sun'n'Sand (a last minute purchase at the Wild Dunes Resort) / Jewelry: personal collection
Stylist: Amy Keller