September 18, 2012

Moment of Reflection

Ever since we returned from vacation, I have found myself thinking a lot about the importance of quiet time, reflection, and introspection. Now that summer has been ushered out, and fall welcomed in, everything is back to the hustle and bustle. So in every possible way I can, I am trying to channel the softness and restfulness vacation brought me. And sometimes, it comes merely in the form of clothing for the day. Whatever I can do to keep myself reminded that deep breaths are vital, quiet moments are a necessity, and being still is of great importance - not to mention, all of those things give me the fuel to go, go, go! If it's going to be a crazy day, then why not be dressed in something that feels decadent and rich? That is what I felt with this:

Blouse: stylist's own / Skirt: Joe Fresh / Boots: Guess (last year - similar here) / Necklace: vintage (personal collection)
Stylist: Amy Keller
Photographer: James Newman

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