January 31, 2012


I grew up thinking that Bisquick was what you needed to have in order to make pancakes.

And then I had breakfast at my sister-in-law's house.

My Sissy is the Queen of Big Breakfast. Not kidding. She can whip up waffles, eggs, sausage, bacon, homemade syrup (yep), and her infamous pancakes in record time without breaking a sweat. Trust me, you want an invitation to her house for breakfast.

Several weeks ago, we decided that breakfast-for-dinner was on the menu, and I pulled out Sissy's pancake recipe. It just so happened I had soy milk in the house. Since my Pumpkin is allergic to dairy and doesn't actually ask for soy milk to drink, I had not been keeping it in the house regularly. Well ... that has changed.

Sissy's Out of this World Pancakes

1 over-filled cup of flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon sugar
1 Tablespoon baking powder
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg
1 cup milk (unflavored soy milk is a perfect dairy substitute)
Dash vanilla
3 shakes of cinnamon

Mix the ingredients together. (ps, the Pampered Chef Classic Batter Bowl I used above really is perfect for this!)

Pour onto a heated griddle pan.

 Once the bubbles start to pop and the edges begin to dull, flip.

Transfer to plates, top with butter (or soy margarine) and syrup, and ...

... enjoy, my loves!

xx JN

Forgive the quality of the pics taken on the go with my Blackberry

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