April 12, 2013

One of Those Weeks

Do you ever just have "one of those weeks?"

A considerable amount of time was spent up in my head this week as I continued to mull over such ever-popular questions as, "How? When? Where? and Why?" I have a fairly straight-forward "to-do" list running at the moment, but the Virgo in me is not pleased with how slowly it's being completed. Sometimes (i.e. lately), I get so completely frustrated knowing that I have many irons in the fire, projects I cannot wait to make public, yet at the moment I am faced with variables - necessary to see those projects to fruition - that are completely outside of my control. How do you respond to those moments? I must admit I've been kicking up dirt this week!

But, in the meanwhile ...

  • Mr. Newman got a pair of these as an early birthday gift this week, and looks absolutely unreal when he sports them!
  • LG was especially grateful for her new Hunter Boots this morning as it rained cats & dogs during the morning commute.
  • These gems are my snack of the week - especially with a slather of this on top ... delicious!
  • I'm hosting a breakfast tomorrow morning, and sure hope our guests enjoy this recipe which is one of several treats on the menu.
  • Sunday, we're taking a road trip to check out sleep away camp for LG ... yep, the time has come!

Here's to a wonderful weekend!

xx JN

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