April 2, 2012

Coming Out of the Dark

Two months ago, while standing in my living room on a simply gorgeous Sunday afternoon, I received a phone call with news that would change my world as I knew it: my younger brother had passed away at the age of 30 as a result of a drug overdose.

I must admit there is nothing overstated when someone says, "One day at a time," or "One moment at a time." And in the words of my husband, "Grief has no formula." There are good days, not-so-good days, and everything in-between.

Most importantly, I am humbled by the extraordinary outpouring of support from my family, friends and colleagues. Every condolence, thought, prayer, kind word ... it all matters, and truly does make a difference.

With Spring in the air here in New York, I am constantly reminded of the promise of new beginnings. I am grateful for that promise, especially when the tough moments stop me in my tracks, I know from within that it gets better. Day by day. Moment by moment.

To life anew!

xo JN

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