December 20, 2013

Wishing You ...

Earlier this year, when preparing for our family's summer vacation, my daughter asked me to make a promise: "For the next two-weeks, Momma won't be elbows deep in work, the blog, schedules galore and commitments to keep. Momma promises to just relax."

Well, today is the last day of work and school for two-weeks, and I reaffirmed that promise to my girl again last night.

No matter where you are, who you're with, or what you're doing for the holidays, make sure to take a moment and remind yourself that every day, you change someone's life for the better. You matter. You are full of meaning. And you are worth some rest & relaxation. After all, it's time to stop and renew.

Looking forward to sharing all sorts of lovely things together in the New Year!

Happy Holidays,

xx JN